MajorO4 | MAJ
A Major is a Field Grade officer, recognized for their expertise and reliability across all levels, and entrusted with responsibilities that impact the entire Regiment. They may serve as a Battalion Commander, Regimental Staff Officer, or Regimental Executive Officer. The Major plays a pivotal role in supporting Division leadership in various capacities, making them a key figure under close observation.
- Proven excellence as a Commissioned Officer across all domains.
- Direct promotion by the Regiment's Commanding Officer.
CaptainO3 | CPT
Achieving the rank of Captain reflects a high standard of leadership and excellence as a Company Commander or Aviation Brigade Commander. Captains earn the respect of their soldiers and fellow officers through their actions, consistently strengthening their company and contributing to the overall success of the Division.Prerequisites:
- Demonstrated exceptional performance as a Company Commander or Aviation Brigade Commander.
- A trusted member of the Command Staff.
- Approval from the Regiment’s Commanding Officer.
First LieutenantO2 | 1LT
First Lieutenants are proven leaders, excelling as Platoon Leaders and earning the trust of both their soldiers and Command Staff. They focus on advancing their platoon, company, and division as a whole.Prerequisites:
- Outstanding performance as a Platoon Leader or Aviation Brigade Commander.
- Three to six months of Time in Grade (TIG) as a Second Lieutenant (O-1).
- Approval from the Regiment’s Commanding Officer.
Second LieutenantO1 | 2LT
As junior officers, Second Lieutenants transition from enlisted ranks to learning the responsibilities of a Platoon Leader. They balance contributing to Command Staff while benefiting from guidance provided by senior NCOs like Platoon Sergeants and First Sergeants.Prerequisites:
- Exceptional performance as a Soldier, NCO, or Senior NCO.
- Selection and successful completion of Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Field Commission Board.
- Approval from the Regiment’s Commanding Officer.
Officer CandidateE5 | OCS
The U.S. Army's primary training for future officers, Officer Candidate School (OCS) prepares enlisted NCOs for commissioned leadership. Graduates earn their commission and the ability to lead soldiers.Prerequisites:
- Must hold the rank of E-5 or higher and be selected for OCS.
Chief Warrant Officer 5W5 | CW5
CW5s are master-level technical and tactical experts, providing mentorship and advice to Warrant Officers and branch officers at brigade, division, and higher command levels.Prerequisites:
- Six months of TIG as a CW4.
- Promotion by the Regiment’s Commanding Officer.
Chief Warrant Officer 4W4 | CW4
CW4s are senior technical experts supporting operations from battalion to corps levels. They mentor junior Warrant Officers and advise commanders on Warrant Officer matters.Prerequisites:
- Excellence as a Brigade Executive Officer.
- Approval from the Regiment’s Commanding Officer.
Chief Warrant Officer 3W3 | CW3
CW3s are advanced-level leaders who direct and supervise operations from team to brigade levels, ensuring their units meet mission requirements.Prerequisites:
- Five months of TIG as a CW2.
- Graduation from the Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC).
Chief Warrant Officer 2W2 | CW2
CW2s are intermediate-level experts tasked with performing increasingly complex technical and tactical duties at battalion levels.Prerequisites:
- Six months of TIG as a CW1.
- Active contributions to flight and DMOS activities.
Warrant Officer 1W1 | WO1
WO1s are technically focused leaders, trainers, and advisers, providing specialized knowledge in their field of expertise.Prerequisites:
- Graduation from Warrant Officer Candidate School and Warrant Officer Basic Course.
Warrant Officer CandidateE5 | WOC
The Aviation School trains enlisted personnel aspiring to become Warrant Officers, emphasizing technical mastery and leadership.Prerequisites:
- E-4B rank or higher, with active DMOS participation.
- Selection for Warrant Officer Candidate School.
Command Sergeant MajorE9 | CSM
The Command Sergeant Major is the top enlisted leader within a command element, recognized for exceptional leadership and dedication. This role is the ultimate representation of success and influence within the NCO Corps, characterized by unmatched authority and respect.
Prerequisites- Appointed by the Battalion Commander.
Sergeant MajorE9 | SGM
The Sergeant Major serves as the senior NCO at the battalion level, known for exemplary leadership and operational excellence. Their role is central to the battalion’s success and represents the peak of NCO achievements.
Prerequisites- Appointed by the Battalion Commander.
First SergeantE8 | 1SG
The First Sergeant is critical to unit effectiveness, overseeing training, discipline, and morale. They guide platoon sergeants, assist commanders, and are essential for maintaining operational excellence.
Prerequisites- One (1) year Time In Service (TIS).
- Ability to assume command and write reports.
- Active participation in leadership activities.
- Proven success in previous leadership roles.
- Endorsement from the Battalion Commander.
Master SergeantE8 | MSG
The Master Sergeant is a seasoned leader specializing in operational and administrative tasks. Although not tasked with the same leadership scope as a First Sergeant, they are held to similar high standards of professionalism and competence.
Prerequisites- Ten (10) months TIS overall.
- Demonstrated success at all NCO levels.
- Meets the standards set by prior ranks.
- Supports Command Staff as needed.
- Recommendation by Command Staff Officers.
Sergeant First ClassE7 | SFC
The Sergeant First Class is a senior NCO responsible for platoon-level leadership. They are trusted advisors and mentors for junior leaders, having proven themselves in prior roles.
Prerequisites- Four (4) months Time In Grade (TIG) as an E-6 Staff Sergeant.
- Successful experience as a Platoon Sergeant.
- Completion or selection for Advanced Leadership Course.
- Ability to support the First Sergeant.
- Approval from Command Staff.
Staff SergeantE6 | SSG
The Staff Sergeant is an essential squad-level leader, responsible for guiding team members and assisting the platoon sergeant when necessary. They are skilled leaders, critical to maintaining the unit’s overall effectiveness and operational success.
Prerequisites- Four (4) months TIG as E-5 Sergeant.
- Proven success as a Squad Leader.
- Participation in or selection for the Advanced Leadership Course.
- Ability to support the Platoon Sergeant.
- Recommendation from the Promotion Board and Command Staff.
SergeantE5 | SGT
The rank of Sergeant signifies the entry into the core leadership group. Sergeants play a pivotal role in managing squads or teams, demonstrating responsibility and initiative while leading by example.
Prerequisites- Two (2) months TIG as E-4A Corporal.
- Completion of the Warrior Leadership Course.
- Active involvement in squad activities and responsibilities.
- Ability to write and submit squad reports on time.
- Capacity to conduct squad training.
- Endorsement from the Squad Leader and Promotion Board.
CorporalE4 | CPL
Corporal is the gateway to the NCO Corps, reflecting leadership potential and readiness for increased responsibilities. Corporals are expected to lead fireteams or squads effectively.
Prerequisites- Two (2) months TIG as E-4B Specialist.
- Graduation from the Warrior Leadership School or selection for attendance.
- Strong communication and leadership skills.
- Active and exceptional participation in squad activities.
- Ability to lead training sessions as directed.
- Selection as a Squad Leader or Fireteam Leader.
- Recommendation from the Squad Leader and Promotion Board.
SpecialistE4 | SPC
The Specialist is an experienced team member, contributing effectively to operations and squad functions while supporting leadership as needed.
Prerequisites- One (1) month TIG as E-3 Private First Class.
- Demonstrated in-game proficiency.
- Active involvement in a DMOS field.
- Positive contributions to forums and the unit website.
- Willingness to assist squad leadership when required.
Private First ClassE3 | PFC
The Private First Class is a soldier who has completed initial training and is expected to participate actively in squad operations and tasks. They are no longer new but are still developing their skills.
Prerequisites- Graduation with honors or one (1) month TIG as E-2 Private Second Class.
- Completion of personal file documentation.
- Active participation in squad and DMOS activities.
- Contributions to forums and the website.
- Consistent activity levels.
Private Second ClassE2 | PV2
Private Second Class is awarded after the successful completion of training. These soldiers are ready to engage in further development through remedial training or operations.
Prerequisites- Completion of Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training (OSUT).
Private TraineeE1 | PVT
The Private Trainee is the initial rank assigned upon induction into the unit. They are introduced to basic expectations and scheduled for formal training.
Prerequisites- Completion of the enlistment process.
RecruitE1 | RCT
Recruits, typically under the age of 18, are placed in a probationary phase called the Delayed Entry Program. During this time, their maturity and suitability for advancement are assessed.
Prerequisites- Completion of the enlistment process.